Jeremy HauschildtSite Reliability Engineer, Programmer and Former DBA
  • Oakland, California, US

Currently a Senior Site Reliability Engineer at LinkedIn with previous experience as a Database Administrator (focusing on Sybase ASE) in the financial software industry. Skills and interests include operating software at scale, databases, web development (Python, JavaScript, Java, PHP), systems administration (Linux, Perl, Bash, TCL, scripting), investigating/solving problems, and programming languages in general.


Senior Site Reliability EngineerLinkedIn
Jan 2019 - Present

Currently a member of the Content SRE team at LinkedIn

Database AdministratorFidessa
May 2014 - Jan 2019

Worked as a member of the DBA team within Fidessa Support. Primary responsibilities included maintaining numerous production and development database systems throughout the US, CA, and Latin American regions. Additionally responsible for maintaining and developing many of the monitoring and maintenance tools used by the team. Day-to-day activities included investigating and resolving database performance issues and working on long term software projects to reduce the amount of manual work the team had to do.

  • Re-architected a report generation system so that it would automatically and intelligently balance load across available nodes in parallel
  • Improved the failover system of various products as they related to the underlying Sybase database so that systems could automatically failover in the event of a database related disaster
  • Designed and implemented a system to keep track of database ownership information, email potentially affected users/groups, and display important server/database information at a glance. Written in PHP, JavaScript, SQLite/MySQL, and Angular 1.x.
  • Wrote several web-based visualizations to track stored procedure performance and report generation statistics
  • Created new monitoring processes and maintained/improved existing ones that were mostly written in TCL and Perl
  • Maintained and improved a web application that automatically built and loaded databases on an ad-hoc basis. Written in Perl, PHP, and JavaScript.
  • Investigated the performance of databases, queries, and various stored procedures used by Fidessa products
  • Reverse engineered and rewrote a C#/VisualBasic executable whose source code had been lost, designed to generate reports using the CrystalReports SDK
  • Responsible for being on-call for one week (24/7) every three weeks to handle emergencies or off-hour issues
Jun 2011 - Jun 2014

As a member of the Operations team within Fidessa's second line support I was responsible keeping systems stable and available, rolling out software changes and investigating both operational and data issues. I was also responsible for several software projects meant to automate some of our repetitive work.

  • Designed and implemented a system for sending out and keeping track of advisories to our clients using PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and MySQL
  • Wrote Perl scripts to check and automatically correct user access rights to our customer's hosted systems
  • Responsible for rolling out changes for US customers while ensuring system stability
  • Supported the data management and financial instrument portions of the product as part of the second-line support team
  • Investigated issues with report stored procedures when there were problems with either the logic or data of a compliance report
  • Worked frequently with TCL, Perl, PHP, SQL (Sybase ASE / T-SQL)
Software Engineering InternshipAWR
Apr 2008 - Aug 2008

Wrote python scripts to track down and visualize various aspects of how the product was used or misused


  • Python
  • Perl
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • PHP
  • Tcl
  • Bash
  • HTML / CSS
  • Java
  • C#
  • SQL / T-SQL
  • Query Tuning
  • Performance Tuning
  • Sybase ASE
  • MySQL
  • Flask
  • Ember
  • Angular (1.X and 2+)
  • jQuery
  • NodeJS
  • Linux (Red Hat, Ubuntu, Gentoo), UNIX (Solaris), Windows
  • Git, Perforce
  • Vim, Eclipse
Interested in Working with or Learning
  • Elixir / Phoenix
  • Elm
  • Python
  • PostgreSQL


Bachelor of Science, Computer Science

California State University, Chico


Eagle ScoutBoy Scouts of America


  • Activities